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Trying to find a soccer club for your up-and-coming soccer star? Look no further. Below you will find details and contact information for all the soccer clubs in town!

Rebel Elite FC

Brief Description/History: Southern Utah's First all Female Soccer Club. Most recently combined with Ignite F.C. Rebel Elite Started in 2021 as a premier female soccer club. They focus on building individual character through girl's soccer.

Website: www.rebelelitefc.com

Contact Information: (435)-218-4394 or soccer@rebelitefc.com

Ignite F.C

Brief Description/History: Ignite F.C found its beginning in the year 2018 by several parent coaches who wanted to create better playing opportunities for players in the area. Since then, it has grown into one of the larges clubs in town. They strive on creating a winning environment on and off the field.

Website: www.ignitefc.com

Contact Information: (435)-218-4394 or soccer@rebelitefc.com

Fire F.C United

Brief Description/History: Saint George's longest running soccer club. This club emerged at the begging of the soccer era of our town. The club aims to be renowned for delivering exceptional programs for all age groups and skill levels, consistently nurturing players who possess exceptional skills and intelligence, enabling them to excel both on and off the field at the highest levels of the game and in life.

Website: www.firefutbolclub.com

Contact Information:  (435)-668-7035 or Kody@FireFC.com

La Roca F.C

Brief Description/History: One of the newest clubs to begin in Saint George. In 2022 the Large La Roca Club started a branch in our area. One of the main focuses of the club is to provide a platform to develop for every age and skill set.

Website: www.larocafc.com

Contact Information: (435)-669-5632 or heidi.wheelwright@larocafc.com


Brief Description/History:

Website: www.guerrerofc.com

Contact Information: (435)-817-6864

Saint George F.C

Brief Description/History: Created in Saint George in 2020. Saint George FC recognizes that the pursuit of excellence in academics and soccer contributes to the development of maturity and self-confidence in young athletes.

Website: www.stgeorgefc.com

Contact Information: (435)-632-7252 or info@stgeorgefc.com

7 Elite F.C

Brief Description/History: Seven Elite is a Global Soccer Club that was brought to Southern Utah in 2017. They aim to develop players who exhibit positive sportsmanship and integrity, both on and off the field.

Website: www.7eliteacademy.com

Contact Information: (385)-351-3496 or info.usa@7eliteacademy.com

Utah F.C

Brief Description/History: Cedar Cities Premier Soccer Club. Formerly known as Southern Utah SURF. Utah F.C has teams almost entirely in the cedar city area. They pride themselves on creating a fun and safe environment for kids to learn/play soccer.

Website: www.utahfccedarcity.com

Contact Information: (435) 590-1157 or utahfc.cedarcitysoccer@gmail.com

Not find what you are looking for? Try visiting Utah Youth Soccer's Website or Southern Utah Kicks for more information.